Tuesday, December 30, 2014

iPhone Confession

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I spend too much time on my phone. There, I've said it. Whew, I feel better already.

No doubt many in our world resonate with my struggle. Here's the deal: I never intended for this phone to be a problem, rather an asset to my life and ministry. There is something empowering about having every piece of information that has ever existed available to you through a few simple taps on a screen. On a device that fits in your pocket. Stunning. Or being able to communicate with literally anyone in the world at any given moment. On a device that fits in your pocket. Again, wow.

But what I didn't realize was the power this information could wield over a person. That same reality that I could have every piece of information that has ever existed at my immediate disposal (including sports scores, weather, flight info to places I may never go, Wikipedia entries, and funny cat videos) provides an overwhelming and constant source of temptation. No longer must you face boredom and its soul-search; you can just call up a video of guys doing awesome basketball trick shots or you can figure out who was the president during World War I (Woodrow Wilson, if you were wondering).

Here's the other piece, though: not only can you avoid boredom, you are also able to avoid the hard work of relationships. How many times do I look with contempt at moms letting their kids go wild at the playground while buried in their phone's Facebook feed, yet I do exactly the same thing at home with my kids. Is it any better because no one else sees it? I guarantee you my sons see it, and they see that someone/something else--somewhere else--is the priority over them at that moment. Is whatever is on my phone really more important than watching my toddler experience sand for the first time? Or rather than having to engage in meaningful (often difficult) conversations which require time and effort, we prefer to distract ourselves with meaningless entertainment and useless information, half-listening so we think we don't offend the other person. No wonder our society is uber-connected yet is the most disconnected people in all of history.

I propose a solution, and I wonder if you would join me. I don't think the answer is everyone going back to a "dumb" phone (although if that's what you want to do, go for it). Again, I think these pocket-sized computers can be used for much good and to aid efficiency and ministry. We simply must understand the grip we allow them to have on us.

So for me and my phone, here's what I'm doing. I have deleted my Facebook and Twitter apps (the two biggest time vortexes for me). Obviously I can jump on the internet to check a message if needed, but it takes some extra steps and won't be as appealing for general browsing. Also, along with that, I have disabled Safari (my internet) in order to limit my useless searching. Does that inconvenience me when I have a legitimate question and I have to go re-enable it for a short time? Yes, but that comes nowhere close to the benefits it provides in limiting me. Finally, I have simply deleted many of my other time-wasters such as Sportscenter, CNN, and Fox News. I know I can re-download any of those if absolutely needed, but I haven't missed them yet (and I don't think I will).

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Now, will this proposed fix change my heart? No, because the issue isn't with the phone itself (it's a neutral tool); the issue is with my heart not being satisfied in God and in His good gifts. But as it is with a massive overgrown bush, you usually have to chop away at the branches in order to be able to even get to the roots to rip it out fully. As I remove the branches of distraction and meaningless entertainment, at the same time I must also utilize the bulldozer of God's Spirit through His Word to rip out the roots of dissatisfaction and to replant full and sufficient joy in Him alone. That is a lifelong pursuit and one that takes grace-driven effort every day, along with accountability. But thanks be to God that He provides the necessary power to change.

So will you help me in this war? And how about you, have you ever felt this same struggle?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Come Expectant

"Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, he took him up in his arms and blessed God" (Luke 2:25-28, ESV).

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Think of the anticipation with which Simeon would come into the temple each day. God had revealed to him that he would see the Messiah face-to-face before Simeon died, so imagine how excited he would be upon entering, wondering if today is the day that he would meet the Savior. His response upon seeing Jesus, recorded in Luke 2:28-35, reveals his expectant joy.

But think of this, then: how much more we, Christians, having the Savior God in us, should come with anticipation, expectant that God will meet with us and work through us? We do not need to wait for our consolation; He has already come to us. Like living in a new house, over time we tend to get bored with the familiar. But if we really see Jesus as the Savior Messiah God that He is, as the God of the universe piercing into our history that He is, then we have no reason for boredom. And since He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, then we should live expectantly and worship with anticipation.

Think of how this reality would change our worship gatherings as a church. Coming expectant for God to meet with His people. Preparing our hearts for Him, giving Him space to work in us. Responding to Him in joy and gladness. We might be even more excited to gather together.

Think of how this reality would change our private worship times individually. Coming expectant for God to meet with you in all of His fullness. Preparing your heart for Him, giving Him space to work in you. Responding to Him in glad joy and obedience. You might be even more excited to get up in the mornings.

Think of how this reality would change our daily lives. Living with anticipation for how God's constant presence will work through you as He sees fit, for His glory. Shaping your heart, moving your circumstances to position you for His purposes. Responding to Him, empowered by His Spirit, overflowing to others. We might see that there is no greater agenda than life in Him.

So come expectant, follower of Jesus. He has come, He is here, and He is in you. Shake off the apathy by seeing Who He is and what He has done, and live with anticipation of what God is doing and will do in and through you today.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is it a sin to be rich?

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Remember the movie, Jerry Maguire? In it, Cuba Gooding, Jr.'s character screams an oft-quoted statement indicative of our American culture: "Show me the money!" Few other things in our society demand attention and focus as prosperity and wealth. The American Dream permeates, as the desire for upward mobility and success affect decision-making and goals--even to the extent of ruining lives and families. But our question must be this: what does the Bible say about riches and wealth? Some people would say (or at least imply) that it is a sin to be wealthy, while others would say that it is wrong to be poor, that God doesn't love you. Who is right? Is there a right answer?

First, let me point out that the Bible commends hard work and diligence. Various sections of Proverbs and Colossians 3:22-24 stand as representative passages illustrating good work in the marketplace and in the home. And usually in our economy, that kind of work will help you succeed--maybe even prosper. By God's common grace, even though work is often hard as a result of the fall (see Genesis 3:17-18), He blesses good, hard labor. But is prosperity guaranteed for someone who works hard? Obviously no, as many people throughout the Bible and history have worked diligently only to see the bank account hover at zero. God's blessings outshine any material trappings. But we do see God's promise in Matthew 6:25-34 that He will take care of His children who seek His Kingdom and His righteousness foremost.

We can also see the influence that comes through having a successful business/job. Think of the impact Truett Cathy has had simply through good business practices at Chick-fil-A. Or imagine a network of Jesus-focused personal trainers who understand the limits of physical training while pointing to the importance of spiritual training, all led by someone giving generously and influencing many for Christ. We need every employee at every level of every industry living out their faith in such a way that it affects their work ethic as well as points people toward Jesus. Some will be entry-level, while some will be CEO's--that is up to the sovereign Lord.

Here's where the rub comes, though: our motivations. And on this, the Bible is very clear. Directly before Jesus's statement in Matthew 6 about providing for His children, He makes this statement: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also....No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money" (Matthew 6:19-24). Jesus makes it stunningly apparent that a pursuit of anything else at the expense of God is idolatry and it is sin. No, it is not wrong to have money, it is wrong to love it. Paul says this in 1 Timothy 6:6-10: "Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content (also see Philippians 4:10-13). But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." As an example of this, just this past Sunday I preached on the church at Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-22, which had fallen into lukewarm faith and living primarily because of their rampant materialism and extreme wealth. The love of money is a dangerous and often subtle temptation that we must avoid at all costs. You can listen to that sermon here.

So though it is not sinful to have wealth, it brings with it much temptation and troubles--including an inordinate desire for more. You can have nothing and still be materialistic too, but the Bible seems to indicate that once you taste those treasures then it opens the door to desiring more. Our response should be, then, "But as for you, O man of God, flee these things [like the love of money]. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness" (1 Timothy 6:11). In other words, give those character qualities (and the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23) your best efforts and your highest pursuits, because we know that they will last and hold "value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:8). Fame and fortune are fickle lovers, but godliness is a faithful spouse.

Now, if you are wealthy, or if you see your career track pointing upward, or if you see your vocation choice could make a lot of money one day, what do you do? Again, money is neutral. It is not sinful in itself and can be used for great Kingdom work. So let me close with the way Paul closes in 1 Timothy 6:17-19: "As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life." True life is found in living for God and His eternal Kingdom. Focus there, hope in God, live generously, and watch what He does with your abilities, your work, your money, and your life.

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Focal Point of My Ministry

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I came across a post this morning that I found to encapsulate the goal and purpose of my ministry and my preaching in particular. In fact, that focus is embedded in the title of my blog: Pointing Up. Women's ministry spurred her blog (read it here), but the insights apply across the board in any church or ministry.

This is a quote from Kate Conner's post:
To harp on my "women's issues" at the cost of ever having time to harp on the glory of God and the gospel of Jesus is to miss the whole darn thing. So, if you think you don't like women's ministry, or church or whatever, maybe you're just tired of looking at yourself. If you're OVER hearing how to be a better person and you wonder what's wrong with you because hearing that "you are a child of God" doesn't really move or impress you very much -- you're not alone. I was there too. I suspect that we are all just starving for The Main Thing. If that's you, be encouraged. You're not missing it, you're getting it. Just look up. Find a community that looks, and talks, and points UP....Stop looking at yourself and your life and your habits through Jesus-lens -- and just look at glorious, radical King Jesus.
 Read the rest here.

Monday, August 4, 2014

First Word, Last Word -- His Word

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I've started a new practice this week, and I wonder if you'd join me. Let me explain.

In my reading for a seminar this week, I came across a concept the author called "H.W.L.W. - His Word the Last Word." Discussing the discipline of Bible meditation, the author stressed the value of pouring the Word of God into our minds to program the subconscious mind during the night. Since the culture has millions of voices clamoring for our attention, he encourages us to listen primarily to the God of all creation in His self-revelation, filling your mind with God's Word so that it is bouncing around in your mind while you sleep, meditating on God's Word even when unconscious (Joshua 1:8).

As I processed this concept, I looked at adding in another factor to assist this filling: First Word, Last Word (F.W.L.W.). Not only reading the Word to fill your mind at night, but reading the Word in the morning to set the Truth as your filter. Before checking Facebook/Twitter/email/news/weather in the morning, I commit to looking into God's Word for His Truth. And at the end of the day before my eyes close at night, I commit to centering my mind on God's Word through memorization and/or reading the Bible. In light of the indispensability of the Word of God for the believer's soul-health, I have decided to make this acronym a defining resolution and discipline of my life.

My goal is that these practices will renew my mind for the purpose of godliness (Romans 12:2; 1 Timothy 4:7-8). I know I need greater discipline in my life, as my life is intended to reflect the holiness of Jesus I've been given. This is one step in my process.

Would you join me?

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Your Body Matters

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Psalm 139 (especially vv.13-16) shows that your body matters, if God took such great pains to form you like He has. And Christian, even more than that, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit so honor God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:12-20). God didn’t have to give us a body, but He did.
Why did God give us a body? Because that is where the practical aspects of our faith get worked out. See, if your faith only stays in your heart, or only stays in the church building on Sundays, then you may not really have faith. What you are doing with the rest of your life (your hands, your mouth, your mind, your eyes, your stomach, your genitals), if it is not “from faith” then it is all dead works (Romans 14:23). It brings you no benefit and brings no glory to the God who created you.
Your body matters, because it is where your faith is made evident. You can’t show love to someone without “doing” something to show them, even if it is as small as opening the door for them. You can’t reveal the fruit of the Spirit like patience without not blowing up on that coworker who messed up. Your body--because God intricately formed it as the vessel through which He would reveal His image to the world--matters.
So we must discipline our bodies and our lives to reflect what Jesus said as part of the Great Commission, “teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20). Our goal must be to train our bodies in the Holy Spirit’s power to obey God’s Word at all times and in every way. That’s one way we rejoice in God’s creativity, by living according to the way He intended us to live with our bodies.
(HT: Dallas Willard in The Spirit of the Disciplines)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Bless the LORD!

Quote from John Piper I found during my sermon prep this week:
But there is always a sense of shortfall between our spiritual perception of the greatness of God and our spiritual affection in worshiping God. The intensity of the heart never seems up to what his glory deserves.
That's why one of the most common impulses of genuine worship is to plead with your own soul: "Bless the Lord, O my soul!" Come on, soul, where are you? Why do you sleep before this God? Why are you dull and sluggish? Wake up! Look at what God has done! Look at what he is like!
We feel like part of us sees and begins to feel and respond to the greatness of God's holiness. But part of us doesn't. So we preach to ourselves, "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name." All that is within me. Not just part of me. Genuine worship is almost always conscious that our response to God is only partial. "All that is within us"—every fiber of our being—is not blessing God.
But the very recognition of this shortcoming is worship—our sense of discontent that our soul isn't fully kicking-in signals how great the worth of God really is. Otherwise we wouldn't be pressing for a deeper response. And crying out against the shortcoming of our soul, like David does, is even more worship. "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me—not just some of me, not just half my heart, not just half my energy, not just half my mind, but all that is within me—bless his holy name."

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hitch Your Joy Wagon to Jesus

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I was never drawn to the "cowboy" scene when I was younger. Even today I am not a big fan of westerns. But I am fascinated by the horse-drawn wagons and the engineering behind it all. It delights me to watch how engineers today are simply expanding on the concepts introduced so many years ago. One basic principle remains the same: you need horsepower to move anywhere (real horses or "horses" produced by gasoline, sparks, and cylinders).

In a similar way, each of us has a wagon in our lives. It's called our "joy wagon." It carries our emotions, our demeanor, and our perspective. The problem comes when we hitch that wagon to a pair of horses who will lead us toward an unfulfilling destination. These horses could be anything in our lives that numbs us to the work of God--like a selfish relationship, an all-out pursuit of wealth, substances, or even meaningless religion. Horses like these (even taking a good thing and making it an ultimate thing) cannot deliver on the promise to take you where you want to go. Our emotions then become roller coasters, our face changes, and we see desires turn into demands.

So, hitch your joy wagon to Jesus instead. He knows the way to the abundant life (John 10:10), in fact He IS the abundant life (John 14:6). Nothing in the universe can satisfy your heart but Jesus and His beauty. And His horsepower is more than enough to carry you through to the end.

Monday, June 2, 2014

One Step toward Redeeming Our Culture

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Darkness is not a thing. Like how *cold* is simply the absence of heat, in physics darkness is simply the absence of light. Without getting too technical, light is made up of waves of particles that at a certain wavelength become visible to our eyes. No movement means no light, which leads us to see *darkness*.

What does this have to do with redeeming our culture? Think with me: if all we see is spiritual darkness around us, could it be that our lights have stopped shining very brightly? Yes, each unbeliever is responsible for their own unbelief, but Jesus commanded us to humbly "let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). God has preordained every believer to do good works (Ephesians 2:10), which is the spotlight to point those around us to the glory of God and His grace. No movement means no light, which leads us to see darkness.

So what's one step toward redeeming our culture? Shine brightly, friends, to the glory of God and for the good of your neighbor. Do the good works He has set before you today, and trust that He is at work in the world around you. And don't forget: even a tiny candle can light up a room.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

For Our 9th Anniversary

Nine years ago (exactly, as I am writing this), Emily and I stood before each other, our church, our families, our friends, and our God and made a covenant to become one flesh in gospel-centered marriage. More than simply getting to marry my best friend or to spend my life with a beautiful woman by my side, that commitment sparked a transformation in me that will be life-long.

Yes, my commitment to that covenant is stronger today than it was nine years ago, but even with how important mutual commitment is to the health of a marriage, something greater sustains our unity. This concept is what has transformed me. I am more reminded every day at the importance of the good news of Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection in my place as the foundation and fuel for a life-giving and joy-filled marriage. Circumstances change, situations remain difficult, children come (and sometimes go) (or sometimes fall on their face on a gravel street), yet the Solid Rock never changes. And for believers, He is always present and gives hope for whatever comes.

So whether our bodies stay the way they are or not (they won't), whether our kids are healthy or not (won't always be), whether ministry is relatively easy or not (nope), whether there is a "spark" in our relationship today or not (unfortunately won't), we can say with Job: "The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21). Why? Because Jesus has never left us alone. In his book, What Did You Expect?, Paul Tripp says that there is always a third Person in your marriage, and He is way more committed to its fruitfulness than you are. That truth gives me courage to fight through the days when I selfishly feel less excited about loving my wife sacrificially, and it gives me hope through the (much fewer) days when she acts selfishly. But hear me in this: in a marriage, when both husband and wife are committed to submitting to God's sanctifying journey, that's where abundant life and "fulfillment" are found for a couple. It's not in looking out for #1 or in "doing me" or in pleasure-seeking with a newer model; we find joy in giving up our life for another. That's what Jesus did for us (Hebrews 12:2), so in His power we are to do that for others (1 John 4:7-12).

So today, I celebrate and honor and enjoy not only my wife of nine years (whom I love more white-hot passionately than ever), but more than that I celebrate and enjoy Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. His glory and fame is the purpose of our lives, and He is why we are married. May He get the honor He is due through these willing servants/friends/children He has chosen.

P.S. Click here for a good picture of sacrifice (and resulting joy) in a tough marriage situation.

Monday, April 14, 2014

For My Wife's Birthday

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An excellent wife who can find? I have found one, and she is far more precious than all the money in the world. My heart trusts her fully, and as much as a limited human can she gives me all that I need. She has always been good to me and will be for the rest of our life together. She works hard and diligently to take care of our family, and she ensures we are well-fed (including a baby that keeps her up most of the night). She frugally handles our money so that we may give generously and enjoy God's creation. She shows her strength spiritually and she works our her strength physically. She understands the value she brings to everyone she meets, and she cares deeply about people--enough to sacrifice time and sleep for them. The Light inside of her shines brightly. She even knows how to sew! She is a generous soul both with her time, talent, and treasure. She ensures her household is protected and safe from the storms of life. She dresses modestly yet beautifully. She makes toddler towels and other creations to sell. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at whatever may come in the future because of her deep trust in God. She speaks wisdom in teaching and modeling kindness. She places her family's welfare second only to Jesus and works tirelessly to look after us. Her children (both biological and spiritual) rise up and call her blessed. I call her blessed as well and want to proclaim this to all who will listen: "Many women have done excellently, but she surpasses them all." Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her what she is due, and let her life and works praise her in the city (and on the internet).
(adapted from Proverbs 31:10-31)

I love you, Emily.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Suffering in the Life of a Christian

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At a recent weekly breakfast meeting with a couple of our guys, we discussed suffering and its role in the life of the Christian. Romans 5, James 1, and Paul Tripp's blog here were extremely helpful, but one guy shared the seeds of the following insight.

We were talking about how a person would thrive even in the midst of suffering, how they would walk through suffering well. What kinds of things would they need to remember? What are some practical actions to take? First Peter 5:6-11 helps us here:

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen."

Notice what Peter does here. He begins with a call to humility. Like Paul writes in Romans 9, we (not equal to God) should recognize our position and rejoice in the fact that He is God and we are not. He has the dominion forever and ever; I do not. His hand is mighty; mine is not. That mighty hand is humbling, yes, but it is at the same time a comfort, since that righteous hand upholds His children (Is. 41:10). And whether we receive deliverance in this life or not is up to Him, but we are guaranteed that exaltation will come "at the proper time"--even if that means at death or when Jesus returns.

This proper perspective of the powerful, compassionate "God of all grace" allows us to cast every anxiety in the midst of suffering upon Him because His eternal purpose in believers is secure, it is restorative, it is strong, and it is our firm foundation. Plus, not only does God stand firm with us but other believers are walking through these things as well. Our sufferings are never identical but our suffering is universal. It is God's grace to have brothers and sisters with whom to walk through these times.

But Peter warns us here, as well, that our response to suffering is not all passive. In light of God's power and compassion, and in light of our shared sufferings, we are to think clearly about, watch diligently for, and resist firmly against the enemy of our souls. The devil is the "father of lies" (John 8:44), and many times suffering stems from his temptations and our struggle to turn away. So Peter commands us to identify with Almighty God and with our brothers and sisters and to resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:6-10). Even if he tempts us with simply an attitude or a lack of trust toward God in the midst of the trial, we are to actively resist the enemy's attacks.

Ultimately, suffering is designed by God to conform us into the image of Jesus (Romans 8:28-29)--just like everything else in a believer's life. In that moment/month/decade of suffering, whether it is betrayal by a friend, or sickness, or financial struggles, or thousands of other things, we have choices to make in our beliefs which will directly affect our actions. We must fight to believe that God is good, He is righteous, He is in control, and He is working for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Bluntly, we have no other lasting or fulfilling option. So run to Him in your suffering. His mighty hands are open wide for you. And He promises to uphold you.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Detecting the Counterfeits

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"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1, ESV)

I preached this past Sunday out of Matthew 7:15-20 on false prophets/teachings and how destructive they are to a follower of Christ and to a church. God used this sermon mightily in my own life regarding the influences I let slip unaware into my heart. But I left out one common and helpful illustration.

When the U.S. Treasury trains an agent to detect counterfeit money, it does not begin with the seemingly infinite amount of copies. The best place to start is by studying a genuine bill. The quality of the paper, the exact coloring, the embedded safety features, even the smell -- all qualities that when genuine distinctly mark a genuine $20 bill from a counterfeit. Granted, some counterfeiters are skilled at copying these characteristics. But, as Tim Challies pointed out here and here, once a person is well-trained in studying the real thing then the fakes stand out clearly.

The spiritual parallel becomes obvious at this point, doesn't it? Trying to track down and study all of the copies of the gospel and of biblical truths in our culture today wastes time and effort. Rather, immersing yourself in the Word of God with its clear gospel message will shore up your defenses against a false teaching. Feeling, tasting, and understanding the genuine truths of God cause the fakes to ping your radar more quickly so that you can avoid such foolishness. And as we, the church, consistently turn away from false teachings to the truth of God's Word, we will not be "tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes" (Eph 4:14). Instead we will "contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3) and will "stand firm in [the true grace of God]" (1 Pet 5:12)

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Purpose of This Blog

You may wonder about the usefulness of a blog. Don't worry; I have had this blog for a year without writing a word! So it obviously is not essential to faithful ministry. But God has recently stirred my heart to dabble in it a little. I hope to use it as a way to expand sermon thoughts, to address contemporary issues, or to simply mind-dump. Maybe you will engage, maybe not. But I pray that this blog will serve God's church and God's people for His glory.