Sunday, September 17, 2017

Pray 7-5-2

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A friend recently shared with me a reason he believes many people don't pray. He compared it to why many people don't go snow skiing. They know they are bad at it, so they don't even want to try.

Unfortunately, just because we think we are bad at something Jesus commanded, that's no excuse to avoid it. In Matthew 6, Jesus just assumes that His followers will be praying, and He gives instruction on correct motivations, right understanding, and even a model prayer. In light of this pattern, today our church kicked off what we are calling the Pray 7-5-2 campaign. We want to make it easier and more likely for prayer to become a part of your life and your family's life. With resources, challenges, and encouragement, we hope to build a pattern in our lives that becomes a lifestyle.

You can listen to the sermon online here. The Initial Assessment can be downloaded here, to see where you stand in your prayer life. And the Pray 7-5-2 Guide can be downloaded here, which is full of resources, ideas, and prompts.

We invite you to participate in this 90-day campaign with us, to better express our dependence on God to do what only He can do in our lives, our families, our churches, and our world. Let's dive in!

Let us know below if you are participating with us from afar!