Monday, August 18, 2014

The Focal Point of My Ministry

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I came across a post this morning that I found to encapsulate the goal and purpose of my ministry and my preaching in particular. In fact, that focus is embedded in the title of my blog: Pointing Up. Women's ministry spurred her blog (read it here), but the insights apply across the board in any church or ministry.

This is a quote from Kate Conner's post:
To harp on my "women's issues" at the cost of ever having time to harp on the glory of God and the gospel of Jesus is to miss the whole darn thing. So, if you think you don't like women's ministry, or church or whatever, maybe you're just tired of looking at yourself. If you're OVER hearing how to be a better person and you wonder what's wrong with you because hearing that "you are a child of God" doesn't really move or impress you very much -- you're not alone. I was there too. I suspect that we are all just starving for The Main Thing. If that's you, be encouraged. You're not missing it, you're getting it. Just look up. Find a community that looks, and talks, and points UP....Stop looking at yourself and your life and your habits through Jesus-lens -- and just look at glorious, radical King Jesus.
 Read the rest here.

Monday, August 4, 2014

First Word, Last Word -- His Word

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I've started a new practice this week, and I wonder if you'd join me. Let me explain.

In my reading for a seminar this week, I came across a concept the author called "H.W.L.W. - His Word the Last Word." Discussing the discipline of Bible meditation, the author stressed the value of pouring the Word of God into our minds to program the subconscious mind during the night. Since the culture has millions of voices clamoring for our attention, he encourages us to listen primarily to the God of all creation in His self-revelation, filling your mind with God's Word so that it is bouncing around in your mind while you sleep, meditating on God's Word even when unconscious (Joshua 1:8).

As I processed this concept, I looked at adding in another factor to assist this filling: First Word, Last Word (F.W.L.W.). Not only reading the Word to fill your mind at night, but reading the Word in the morning to set the Truth as your filter. Before checking Facebook/Twitter/email/news/weather in the morning, I commit to looking into God's Word for His Truth. And at the end of the day before my eyes close at night, I commit to centering my mind on God's Word through memorization and/or reading the Bible. In light of the indispensability of the Word of God for the believer's soul-health, I have decided to make this acronym a defining resolution and discipline of my life.

My goal is that these practices will renew my mind for the purpose of godliness (Romans 12:2; 1 Timothy 4:7-8). I know I need greater discipline in my life, as my life is intended to reflect the holiness of Jesus I've been given. This is one step in my process.

Would you join me?